abbey walks

Stage 10 - Worksop to Rufford Abbey




25.6km / 15.9 miles

Explorer map


Sherwood Forest 270



6 - 6.5 hours average time based on Naismith’s rule

Total ascent   244m
Total descent   223m

Waypoint coordinates


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This is a pleasant route to Rufford Abbey passing through woods, the National Trust medieval village of Hardwick in Clumber Park and the medieval village of Wellow. The route follows parts of the Robin Hood Way a long distance path which commemorates the famous fokelore figure Robin Hood.






Walk Description :


1 - From Worksop retrace the path along the canal to Bace Bridge Lock. Don’t cross over the canal but turn right and at the junction turn left onto Retford Road. Take the second right Shrewsbury road continuing on the Route 6 cycleway and at the end of the road turn left briefly onto Spur Cres-cent.  Turn left onto Kingston Road and at the end of the road pass between the bungalow houses to reach a foot path. Turn right and where the main path bears left ( dead end ) keep right to reach the main road.  Cross over the A57 (busy main road) bearing left to join the path and through Windmill Wood, straight across the Windmill Road into Kidney Clump and left at the house (not straight on).  Cross the road and the next track (Limetree Avenue) into Hardwick  Wood.


stage 10 photo2 - In Hardwick wood turn left onto the Bridleway ( not blue path 8 ahead), straight over the forest road, and then right to Hardwick Village.  Walk through the village and straight on to reach the ford, cross over and turn left onto the Bridleway until you reach the minor estate road. Cross over to follow the path running parallel with the A614.  The path will arrive at the main road, cross over the road (very busy, take care crossing) to the junction of Bothamsall Road. Turn right to walk parallel to the road.  The footpath eventually leaves the road, cross over the next road heading into the wood (Robin Hood Way). Pass through the wood and fields ignoring any paths off to the left.  At the road (Walesby International Scout Activity Centre sign) turn right to cross over the River Maun and left to follow the public bridleway to the edge of Ollerton.


stage 10 photo3 -  In Ollerton, after passing the fishing lakes, turn right onto Maida Lane / Public Bridleway to the main road. Turn left and right on to Back Lane - A612, and then the footpath left Middlefield Lane.  Walk over the railway bridge and left past the campsite passing the buildings on your right and round the edge of Tiptop Wood keeping the field on your right. Turn right at the corner of the field to walk straight across the road (A616), pass through two fields to the road. Cross over and through the hedge heading to a pylon on the left of the field boundary.  Walk down the steep steps to the old railway line and up to the top again. Follow the path with the field boundary on the right into the playing fields. Keep to the right again to arrive at the village of Wellow.










stage 10 photo4 - Turn right at Eakring road and before leaving the village turn right to the public bridleway oppo-site Maypole Road. As the bridleway runs left, cross into the field diagonally to cross over the old railway line again. Turn left ( The Gallops ) until yellow footpath marker on the right.  Turn right across the field under the pylon wires passing the third one on your right and three others on your left to reach the field boundary ahead. Pass through the hedge boundary keeping the wood on the right into the next field to pass the farm on the left. (The path here was not easy to follow due to the farmer removing the path signs. Please make a way through the hedge boundary opposite, this was very overgrown and difficult to pass through at the time of writing this section. You may come out to a track that heads straight to North Laithes Farm, do not walk down this as it it is a food production farm). Instead skirt round the field to the right of the track, this will come to the proper path past the farm. At the track ( Robin Hoods Way ) turn right passing through two security gates and through the golf course.  






stage 10 photo5- After the golf course take the right lane (May Lodge Drive) to the main road - A614.  Turn right and right again into Rufford Park, to arrive at Rufford Abbey.




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Walking can be a dangerous sport.  Walkers should always be suitably equipped, including carrying and knowing how to use a map and compass.