abbey walks

Stage 8 - Old Moor House to Roche Abbey




24.4km / 15.1 miles

Explorer map


Doncaster 279



5.5 - 6 hours average time based on Naismith’s rule

Total ascent   191m
Total descent   147m

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This is a very pleasant easy route that follows the Trans Pennine Trail to

Conisbrough. The castle there is a medieval fortification now owned and managed by English Heritage. The path then crosses fields to the medieval village of Maltby before reaching Roche Abbey






Walk Description :


stage 8 photo1 - Return to the Trans Pennine Trail by the Old Moor House bird reserve, follow the Trail to Har-tington Road where you cross over a foot bridge.  Turn right, cross over the road and join the river embankment walking on the left of it.  The river path joins and old railway line where you cross once more over the river (Pastures road) and turn left resuming on the right of the embankment on the TPT.  This will lead you to a tarmac lane.  Cross the road and continue along until you reach the Earth Centre on the right.  Walk to the end of the boundary fence and turn immediately right and over the bridge.  





stage 8 photo2 - Cross over the railway footbridge at Conisbrough Railway Station. At the main road turn right, and then left up Windsor Road to pick up a footpath sign.  Walk past the houses on the left and take the path right just past the allotments on the right.  At the end turn left through the housing estate.  At the main road turn left onto Old Road, right up Morley Place and then left up Mach Street. Take the footpath right after passing Park Road.  Skirt the back of the houses keeping left with a small green on your right to reach a small back lane.  Bear right and footpath right at the lamp post and over the alternative stile.


3 - The footpath pass to left of the back of houses (this can be overgrown). Ignore the steps left but continue to reach a cul-de-sac. Turn left past No12 Holywell Close and down the alley, passing the cricket field on the right. At the end reach Ellershaw road, turn left to the main road.


4 - Turn left and immediately right down Kearsley Lane and then right to cross over the beck. Head up the field bearing right to the far left corner. Cross the stile and the turn right to cross the beck again heading to Park Farm Cottages.


5 - At the cottages pass through two fields to reach Park Lane. Turn left, the lane becomes a Bridleway down to and over Firsby Brook. Keep to the left of the field boundary, through two fields to reach Park Lane once again.


6 - Turn left past Conisbrough Grange Farm to the road. Turn left (Moor Lane) and at the top of the hill turn right onto Fordoles Head Lane, passing in front of the house and bungalow.


7- On the outskirts of Maltby ignore the track left into the housing estate but pass through the gate and along the track to the road. Cross over and along Lilly Hall Road to the end. Turn right to Braithwell Road and at the main road turn right.


8 - Turn left down the road signed recycle centre , cross over the road and down the steps to Church Lane. Pass through the church yard and left to pick up the footpath. Continue through three metal gates, ignore the path left but continue into the trees (this section can be boggy).


stage 8 photo9 - Pass over the old railway line and into Nor wood, across Gypsy lane to reach Roche Abbey





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Walking can be a dangerous sport.  Walkers should always be suitably equipped, including carrying and knowing how to use a map and compass.