abbey walks

Stage 7 - Oulton to Old Moor House




36.5km / 22.6 miles

Explorer maps


Leeds 289 / Sheffield & Barnsley 278



9 - 9.5 hours average time based on Naismith’s rule

Total ascent   271m
Total descent   263m

Waypoint coordinates


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This is a very pleasant easy route across fields and the Trans Pennine Trail along canals and disused railway lines. This is a long stage due to the lack of accommodation options en-route. However it is possible to take two days with an overnight at Waterton Park Hotel. There are more options for accommodation at the end of this stage






Walk Description :


1 - Return to Fleet Lane and if coming from Oulton take the footpath right, if continuing from the canal turn left. Cross over the A639, Ignore path ( Leeds Country Way LCW ) to the right. At the path junction turn right to pass Moss Carr and to cross over the M62 motorway. Continue to New-market Lane, and cross directly over the road.  After passing over a ditch and up some steps turn left (the path straight ahead was closed due to construction) arrive at the old railway line which is now a tarmac path, and turn right. Now follow the Trans Pennine Trail south. Turn left
Travel Follow the TPT along the left side of a wall.  At the end turn left and then right ( TPT ) at the gatepost.


2 - At the Stanley Ferry Pub walk up the drive with the building on your left and through into the car park.  Go to the far left corner to reach the canal tow path. Follow the tow path and cross over the canal at the first bridge left, and then turn right to pick up the TPT South. This will turn left into a small wooded valley, and then right at the top of the slope ( TPT South ).


stage 7 photo

3 - Walk through the village of Heath to return to the footpath ( TPT South ) on the right after leav-ing the village.  Follow TPT South, and before Walton turn left to Walton Colliery Nature Park.  Pass under a railway viaduct, again following TPT South ( Route 67 ) red posts. Leave Walton Colliery Nature Park and turn right into the village of Walton.


4 - Take the second footpath left, Transpennine Train South Route 67 ( Royston). Follow the dis-used Barnsley Canal, pass the reservoir and right at the road and then left continuing on the TPT South.




stage 7 photo5 - After reaching Carleton the TPT passes around what used to be Carlton Colliery and is now a large wild meadow. It then passes around the perimeter of a large industrial building all the time following the TPT South to the outskirts of Barnsley.


6 - Shortly after crossing the road continue following the TPT South by turning left, also signed East & West 1 mile / Wombwell 2. Eventually pick up the signs TPT East and follow these to Old Moor House and the end of the stage.







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Walking can be a dangerous sport.  Walkers should always be suitably equipped, including carrying and knowing how to use a map and compass.