abbey walks

Stage 6 - Kirkstall Abbey to Oulton




13.9km / 8.6 miles

Explorer map


Leeds 289



3.5 - 4 hours average time based on Naismith’s rule

Total ascent   87m
Total descent   79m

Waypoint coordinates


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This is a very pleasant easy route predominantly following the Leeds canal through what was once the industrial and commercial area used by the barges of the time. There are plenty of information boards along the way.






Walk Description :


stage 6 photo1 - Walk past the front of Kirkstall Abbey, behind the visitors centre and turn left with the Abbey on your left side.  Follow the path which will cross over a stream and will then arrive at Bridge Road.  Turn right over the bridge, take the left fork at the traffic lights and then left again down Wyther Lane. The almost immediately turn right through a small car park to reach the Aire Valley Canal Tow Path ( signposted ), turn left onto the tow path to Leeds.

After approximately 6 km reach the canal marina, turn right over the canal bridge and turn left to walk past the old warehouse building on the left. Follow the cycle track sign  ( 66/67 ) to pick up the tow path on the other side of the road bridge to resume the walk.  


2 - Shortly after leave the canal path again, walk across Bridge End Road to Dock Street straight ahead, and then left to Navigation Road to re-join the canal tow path.

stage 6 photo 3 - At the head of the canal turn left up the alley ( not onto the road ) following the sign for the Transpennine Trail passing Thwaite Mills.  Cross over Knotsrop River Bridge, and follow the canal tow path to Woodlesford Lock.The walk now follows the Transpennine Path that will go down Fleet Lane.  Carry on under the railway bridge and then take the footpath left before reaching the houses to continue onto the next stage.

4 - If this is the end of the day there are a number of places that offer accommodation in Oulton.





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Walking can be a dangerous sport.  Walkers should always be suitably equipped, including carrying and knowing how to use a map and compass.