abbey walks

Stage 39 - Thérouanne to Amettes




18.1km / 11.2 miles

IGN map


GR Top100 map -  101 Lille Boulogne-sur-Mer



4.5 - 5 hours average time based on Naismith’s rule

Total ascent   246m
Total descent   187m

Waypoint coordinates


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This route follows the Via Francigena GR145 which is well marked in places and runs parallel with the Chaussee Brunhaut. It is fairly easy, some small hills to go up and down but nothing too strenuous. There are a couple of wet boggy sections which have been mentioned in the directions below.





Walk Description :


1 - From the Marie in Thérouanne pass the church on the left to the main road and turn right to pass the petrol station on the left. Turn left down Rue d Aire D157. As the road goes left, take the right fork uphill. The route continues directly ahead, ignore tracks left and road and cross over two roads continuing across and ahead.


2 - Eventually arrive at the quarry, the path goes around this left then right to pass in front of the entrance and right at the road before passing the Blessy sign on the right. Turn left shortly after the sign and at the main road turn right and left down into the village of Liettres. Part way down the hill turn right (marked paths) this will go through a tree lined avenue to the sports field. At the field bear left to the grassy track. At the road turn right and then left down a small road. At the main road turn left and right, Rue de Transvaal. After nearly 1k take the track right towards the woods. This section can be very boggy and wet. Before reaching the road bear left to follow the old railway line.


3 - The railway line will eventually reach a road, continue ahead. Continue across the road and fol-low the track (this can be wet and boggy also) to reach a large community warehouse. Turn left before it in order to skirt around it right and ahead to the road. Turn left at the road and then left again at the main road.


4 - After passing under the power lines turn right down the road and right at the end to Auchy-au-Bois. Pass through the village to pass left of the church. This road turns into a track at the end of the houses to reach a road in Amettes. Turn left, then left again on the main road, and shortly after turn right up a track to a wooden gate. Pass the back of the small St Benoit Chapel and the wooden steps to the church of St Sulpice.



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Walking can be a dangerous sport.  Walkers should always be suitably equipped, including carrying and knowing how to use a map and compass.