abbey walks

Stage 56 - Brienne-le-Château to Dolancourt




20.9km / 12.9 miles 

IGN map


GR Top100 Map - 120 Saint-Dizier Chaumont



5 - 5.5 hours average time based on Naismith’s rule

Total ascent   166m
Total descent   136m

Waypoint coordinates


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The stage is undulating starting in woodland, through rolling farmland to then pass through the village of Jessain to continue on the D46 to Dolancourt. The village is dominated by a large theme park so plan accommodation in advance.





Walk Description :


1 - From the centre of Brienne where the previous day’s walk finished turn right along Rue de L’ecole Militaire.  Cross the roundabout and then right D130 direction Epagle.  Take the 1st left Rue Louis-Brice Chavance and then after the stop sign turn right Rue Leo Lagrange.  At the end of the road turn left Rue Julien Regnier, and after passing the railway crossing turn right to pass between the open fields. Continue to the end of the track and then turn right, Rue Du Vieux Moulin. 


2 - Continue along the road over the river (Napolean information board on the right) and at the top of the hill turn left into the woods, yellow VF sign.  Continue along the track to then turn right onto a smaller track, GR marked.  At the end turn left onto a wider track and then where the track bears right go left onto a smaller one to pass under electricity pylon cables.  Leave the woods and continue with the field on your right, ignore any paths on the left.  Eventually follow the track naturally into and out of the wood to again emerge with the field on your right. Continue along the road Ruelle Aux Crapauds.


3 - Turn right at the end, then left at the main road to cross the river, and then right on the D11 passing the church on the left.  After passing the market stall on the left continue straight ahead Avenue Paul Girard and at the edge of the village turn right Rue du Moulin (VF).  The road becomes a track.  Continue ahead, ignore the right turn after the mill.  The track bears right passing between fields (GR).  Bear left before reaching the wood, and then right to pass a tree, GR marked.  The path will skirt the edge of the wood and then reach a road.  Turn right, cross over the river and then turn left D46 Jessains. 


4 - Pass through the hamlet of l’Autre Monde, and continue on the D46.  After crossing the bridge turn right onto the gravel track briefly alongside the road. Eventually this becomes an old railway line. Continue to reach a tarmac road.  Turn left at the road into Jessain, and at the T-junction turn right, D46 Dolancourt. 


5 - Continue through the village on the D46 for 4.5km to reach the main road. Turn right,take care it is very busy and then first left signed Dolancourt and arrive at the church of St Lege on the left.







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Walking can be a dangerous sport.  Walkers should always be suitably equipped, including carrying and knowing how to use a map and compass.