abbey walks

Stage 52 - Condé-sur-Marne to Châlons-en-Champagne




18.1km / 11.2 miles

IGN map


GR Top100 Map - 110 Reims St-Dizier



4.5 - 5 hours average time based on Naismith’s rule

Total ascent   3m
Total descent   5m

Waypoint coordinates


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This is an easy stage. Return to the Canal a la Marne and follow it to Châlons-en-Champagne.





Walk Description :


1 - From Place Alexandre Batillot, head along Rue du18 Mai, then left at the end.  Cross over the canal using the old bridge and turn left to follow the grass track with the canal on your left direction Châlons-en-Champagne.


2 - Just before passing under the footbridge across the canal take the wooden steps right and then turn left to reach Rue des Freres Navlet. Bear right to the end of the road and the junction. With the river in front of you turn left to the main road - Rue Jean Jaurus. At the main road turn left and follow it to the Cathedral and the town centre.



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Walking can be a dangerous sport.  Walkers should always be suitably equipped, including carrying and knowing how to use a map and compass.