abbey walks

Stage 35 - Guînes to Licques




17.2km / 10.6 miles

IGN map


GR Top100 map -  101 Lille Boulogne-sur-Mer



4 - 4.5 hours average time based on Naismith’s rule

Total ascent   316m
Total descent   241m

Waypoint coordinates


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The route follows the GR145. It is a bit hilly in places but not hard and is a mixture of woodland, tracks and roads. There is a picnic area in which to take a mid-morning break. The day will finish after passing the Abbey of Notre-Dame before heading into the village of Licques.





Walk Description :


1 - With the Tourist Office behind you turn right at the crossroad and travel straight across direction Hardinghen ( D127 ).  Before leaving Guines turn left ( statue is on corner ) down the lane to reach the railway line.  Turn left down the narrow path, and left at the end on to a tarmac lane following the GR145. 


2 - Turn right at the road to cross over the railway bridge and then turn left down the track ( car park and picnic area ).  At the end of the long track turn right and follow the new track to reach a road.  Cross over and continue up the 1st incline and then down a short descent to soon turn right into the woods along a small path ( marked GR145 ). 


3 - At the junction with a track turn left up the hill, and just before the top of the 2nd one turn right into the woods, down the track marked GR145.  At the end turn left to leave the forest and continue along a track to pass through fields.  Turn right at the road and then continue left ( Route Du Mat ).  After passing Gite du Mat turn left ( marked ). 


4 - After approximately 1k turn left to pass the right edge of the forest and then at the road turn left, and immediately right ( towards the houses ) down a track ( La Vallee Madame ).  After the 50 km/h speed sign turn left. The track will lead to a tarmac lane and then bear left onto a road ( marked ).  This becomes a stone track. Bear right along the ridge and down the hill.  Keep left at the junction down a track to the road.  Turn right into Licques.  At the square the Abbey is on the right.  Turn left to the village centre. 




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Walking can be a dangerous sport.  Walkers should always be suitably equipped, including carrying and knowing how to use a map and compass.